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If you're reading this page, it's because you're a parent who's concerned about where your kids are going on the Internet and who they're interacting with when they get there. And why wouldn't you be?


Now that you're here, we'd like to introduce you to the Club House, American Hip Hop's immersive world that we've designed to be a safe place for kids to hang out, be creative, and connect with each other online.


In the Club House, kids can customize their own rooms, visit interactive common rooms called Club houses, watch videos of their favorite American Hip Hop Awards videos, interact with American Hip Hop Awards characters and play games. In addition, one of the most exciting features of the Club House is that kids can actually chat with each other in real time.


We know what you're thinking: Chatting online, is that safe? And that's why our goal is for the Club House to be THE safe place online where kids can chat with one another.

To that end, we've put the following safeguards in place:


·                           Visitors to the Club House are identified only by their American Hip Hop Awards Names (screen names they choose when logging on to American Hip Hop, not their real names. No personally identifiable information (names, email addresses, etc.) can be accessed through a American Hip Hop Awards Name.

·                           American Hip Hop does not store real names, email addresses, mailing addresses, phone numbers or other personally identifiable information anywhere, ever.

·                           Chat in the Club House uses a sanitized dictionary specifically screened by American Hip Hop No obscene, violent or threatening language is included in the dictionary.








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